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Global Peace And Development Foundation


 ...Promoting Peace and Development around ... 

Global Peace and Development Foundation is a global peace NGO organizations that work towards promoting peace, resolving conflicts, and fostering harmony among nations and communities worldwide.

These organizations play a crucial role in advocating for peace, providing humanitarian aid, and facilitating dialogue and understanding between different groups. 
Mr.Bolaji O.Onifade 
Mr Bolaji O. Onifade is the Chief Executive Officer
of Global Peace and Development Foundation (GLOPEDEVF)

Mr. Bolaji is man born and called to promote peace and unity around the nations. Mr. Bolaji is a a peace marker from the western part of Nigeria he lives with family in Lagos state Nigeria.

Mr Bolaji studied pubic administration in the Obafemi Owolowo University. an obtained a BSc in Public Administration.

MARRITAL STATUS: Mr Bolaji is a responsible man married with kids

FINANCILA STRENGTH: Mr Bolaji is the C.E.O of many comanies including HAVILAS PROPERTTIES & HOME. He is into real estate business and he doing well.

VISION: His vision is see peace in every part of thr world.

He direct staff members, partners, and stakeholders to develop and implement effective strategies that advance the peacebuilding around the globe
He shows the efforts Global and Peace sustainable development initiatives and Development. 


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Finance and Administration Department:

The finance and administration department oversees budgeting, financial management, human resources, and administrative functions of the organization. They ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, manage donor funds, and provide support to staff members.

Policy and Advocacy Department:

This department focuses on developing policies and strategies to address conflicts, promote peace, and advocate for the protection of human rights. They conduct research, analyze data, and engage with governments, international organizations, and civil society to influence decision-making processes.

Field Operations Department:

The field operations department is responsible for implementing peacekeeping missions on the ground. They coordinate with local authorities, security forces, and other stakeholders to maintain peace and security in conflict-affected areas. This department often includes military personnel, police officers, and civilian experts who provide expertise in areas such as conflict resolution, mediation, and post-conflict reconstruction.

Humanitarian Assistance Department:

In conflict-affected regions, humanitarian assistance is crucial for addressing the immediate needs of affected populations. This department focuses on providing emergency relief, including food, shelter, healthcare, and clean water to those affected by conflicts or natural disasters. They work closely with local communities, partner organizations, and donors to ensure efficient delivery of aid.

. Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Department

: This department aims to prevent conflicts from escalating and promote long-term peace building efforts. They engage in dialogue facilitation, mediation, reconciliation processes, and community engagement initiatives to address the root causes of conflicts and build sustainable peace.

Logistics and Support Services Department:

To effectively carry out their operations, global peacekeeping NGOs require robust logistical support. This department manages procurement, transportation, communication systems, infrastructure development, and other essential services necessary for smooth functioning in both headquarters and field offices.

Monitoring and Evaluation Department:

: Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for assessing the impact and effectiveness of peacekeeping interventions. This department designs monitoring frameworks, collects data, conducts evaluations, and provides evidence-based recommendations for improving program outcomes.

Communications and Public Relations Department

This department is responsible for managing the organization's external communications, media relations, public outreach, and advocacy campaigns. They raise awareness about the GLOPEDEVF work, share success stories, and engage with the public to garner support for peace building efforts.

Legal Department:

The legal department ensures that the organization operates within the framework of international law and adheres to legal obligations. They provide legal advice, draft agreements and contracts, handle legal disputes, and ensure compliance with human rights standards.

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